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Cisco Live! In Amsterdam: Strobilo Talks Neuroscience & Workplace Transformation


Cisco Live! In Amsterdam: Strobilo Talks Neuroscience & Workplace Transformation

At the beginning of the month, Strobilo’s CEO Andrea Bariselli flew out to Amsterdam, Netherlands, to give a speech about the future of working spaces. The talk was hosted by Cisco Italia during the days of Cisco Live!, Cisco’s annual event showcasing the tech titan’s latest innovations and bringing together IT businesses from all over the world.

Every year, the event features inspiring keynotes, breakout sessions, hands-on labs, and networking opportunities (open to Cisco’s customers and partners). This last edition, that totaled about 9,000 in-person attendees, focused on innovation in security, sustainability, and (digital) skill development. And this is where Strobilo’s vision comes into play.

Bariselli had been selected as guest speaker for the FutureOfWork Community Event Artificial Intelligence, Neuroscience and Workplace Transformation – making the entire Strobilo Team incredibly proud. *This specific talk was hosted by Cisco Italia in the same week as Cisco Live!, but was not featured in the bigger event, to which Bariselli took part as an audience member, on behalf of the company*

During his talk, Bariselli touched on a couple of crucial points:

➡ the future of work doesn’t lie in technology alone. When selling “smart” solutions, providers should adopt a human-centered approach – that is, an approach that takes into account the body’s biological needs and follows the brain’s natural processes.

➡ let’s rethink our relationship with Mother Nature, because that’s where we all come from. The human brain needs certain specific conditions to be able to function properly – temperature, air quality, noise level. If we don’t design spaces that conform to the environmental conditions the brain needs in order to perform all tasks successfully… a decline in overall wellbeing will soon be observed.

Neurotechnology represents an extremely helpful tool in predicting the future of work. That’s why Strobilo’s Neuro Team monitors indoor environmental settings in real time through our devices+interactive dashboard solution, determining what impact these settings have on the human brain. As we always say, we don’t just detect air quality, we measure impact.

We hope the audience enjoyed hearing and learning about these topics we at Strobilo are so passionate about! Through talks like this one, and many other insightful collaborative discussions, our existing partnership with Cisco has been incredibly strengthened, too.