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Forest Bathing: Nature’s Stress Reliever

Forest Bathing: Nature’s Stress Reliever

What is forest bathing and why is it becoming more and more popular?

The concept was first introduced by the Japanese Government’s Forestry Agency in 1982, with the term “Shinrin-yoku”. The practice consists in immersive hikes in the woods and forests surrounding cities and urban areas, as a way to escape greyish buildings and road trafficForests represent very special and unique natural settings, with the air containing organic compounds that are released directly from trees and plants and that can positively affect the human brain.

Tree wood, for example, releases a substance called phytoncides (wood essential oils), which is made of antimicrobial volatile organic compounds such as α-pinene and limonene. In addition to strengthening our immune system, phytoncides have direct and indirect effects on the brain: according to a Thai study from 2022, air enriched with phytoncidesincreases parasympathetic nerve activity (sign of relaxation) and suppresses sympathetic nerve activity (sign of stress reduction)”.

Did you know? When was the last time you did forest bathing?



Source: Thangaleela, S. ; Sivamaruthi, B. S. ; Kesika, P. ; Bharathi, M. ; Kunaviktikul, W. ; Klunklin, A. ; Chanthapoon, C. ; Chaiyasut, C. Essential Oils, Phytoncides, Aromachology, and Aromatherapy—A Review. Appl. Ski 2022.