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Technology & Software

New To Air Quality Monitoring? Here’s What You Need To Know

Technology & Software

New To Air Quality Monitoring? Here’s What You Need To Know

Have you ever heard of air quality monitoring/measurement?

For those residing in rural areas or distant from large, polluted cities, AQM might appear as just another passing trend. But if you happen to be a resident of Milan, Tokyo or New York, for instance, chances are that you’re already experiencing the impact of breathing unhealthy air–both outdoors and indoors.

Breathing air with high levels of CO2 (carbon dioxide), VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and PM (Particulate Matter) for a long period of time can cause significant damage to your lungs, heart and… brain. At Strobilo, we have discovered that, if the CO2 concentration in a room hits 1500 ppm (parts per million), human brain efficiency will decline by a staggering 20% (more info on how we measured this in the following paragraphs).

What can we do then, in order to prevent brain and overall health damage by air pollution? A solution could be installing an indoor air quality monitoring (AQM) device–at home, at the office, at school, even at the local gym, wherever you may feel the need for one. Also, many of these devices smoothly integrate with home automation systems and connect to a virtual dashboard for easy visualization.



Screenshots taken from Strobilo’s proprietary dashboard, ©Strobilo Impact, showing in real-time the air quality within a given environment.


But how to pick the best option on the market? Here’s a list of things you should consider when approaching indoor AQM devices+software.

  • The price range for indoor AQM devices can vary significantly: from around $20 for basic models to over $300 for high-tech, more sophisticated versions. *Not all devices come with a proprietary dashboard. Different brands have different products.
  • Many providers often sell to other companies, not to individual customers. Customers usually buy the final product – e.g. an apartment in a building where air monitoring or filtering systems have already been installed by the contractor. In short, B2B and B2C AQM solutions don’t always perfectly match.
  • Finally, not all AQM device providers are the same. Although some providers can rely on extremely accurate sensors, finding one that offers customers insightful and actionable data isn’t so common.

Strobilo does not just detect environmental data. We measure the impact of data on human beings. Specifically, on the human brain. We don’t measure CO2 levels in your workplace just for the sake of knowing what that is, but to assess how that is affecting your productivity and your overall cognitive activity.

If you want to know more about our monitoring devices+dashboard solution, check out ©Strobilo Impact in the Strategic Solutions section of this website.