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Air Monitoring At School For A Better Learning Experience

Air Monitoring At School For A Better Learning Experience

Oftetimes, as we’re studying or working, environmental conditions around us exceed healthy thresholds, leading to our brain being affected to a greater or lesser extent, to the point where even basic tasks can become too difficult or stressful to perform.

Between January and May of last year (2023), Strobilo collected a series of parameters in a secondary school in Montirone (Brescia, Italy), via seven environmental monitoring devices placed in as many classrooms/laboratories. Our team of neuroscientists then assessed the impact of the classrooms’ air quality on the students’ cognitive performance.

The sensors our devices (16detected the following: concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, noise, humidity, volatile compounds, particulate matter. The first three parameters are the most interesting from a neuroscientific point of view, because the ©Brain Efficiency Index (©BEI the proprietary Strobilo index measuring an individual’s cognitive performance) depends on them. The BEI decreases significantly when the room temperature exceeds 24°C and when the CO2 concentration is greater than 1500 ppm (parts per million).



Graph showing how CO2 levels in the air we breathe (BLUE) and brain efficiency (indicative of focus and productivity, GREEN), as measured by our main KPI, the ©Brain Efficiency Index. ©Strobilo



During the 5 months of analysis, we noticed that the ©BEI (and therefore the cognitive performance of the students) decreased up to 40% in February (from 100% to 60%), when the concentration of CO2 in the classroom was at its highest (2500 ppm). This may be due to limitations in the air circulation system, due to the inability to open the windows (given the winter cold).

While looking at the temperature, however, we can notice that the values remained stable throughout the period (24°C), except for a heat peak at the end of May (28°C). The same can be said for noise, always below the healthy threshold (-80 dB).

Being available to monitor environmental variables at school is key to providing children with a better learning experience. Thanks to the Municipality of Montirone for the opportunity (as well as the other schools that have collaborated with Strobilo so far)!