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Can The Mediterranean Lifestyle Improve Longevity? Our Study

Can The Mediterranean Lifestyle Improve Longevity? Our Study

In the long term, air pollutants can negatively affect the correct functioning of the human brain.

Among the indirect consequences, neuroscientists report an increased risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, a phenomenon known as neurocognitive decline. To better understand the extent to which this phenomenon occurs, Strobilo has been leading a comparative study (outdoor monitoring + neuro analysis), split into Pollica, in the South of Italy, on behalf of the Municipality of Pollica, and Brescia, one of the most polluted cities in Europe.

The goal of the initiative, called #ThePollicaProject, is to compare the neurocognitive impact of exposure to urban environments with different levels of pollution. According to scientific literature, early neurocognitive decline is in fact correlated with a reduction in life expectancy. Hence the term “longevity algorithm”.



The small Mediterranean village of Pollica (Cilento).



But let’s get into the details of our study: how does outdoor detection work?
At the moment, Strobilo’s outdoor monitoring devices are installed in 12 points spread throughout the Municipality of Pollica and are able to detect as many as 16 environmental settings  noise, temperature, concentration of CO2, PM1, PM2. 5 and PM10, VOC (volatile organic compounds). The detection will be followed by data analysis and interpretation by our Neuro Team, using our set of algorithms, which is specifically designed to estimate the impact of environmental variables on neurocognitive decline.

About the locations. Why Pollica? We decided to start in Pollica (SA), because here, a couple of years ago, the Mediterranean Mind Lab was born a unique think-tank, which also includes the Future Food Institute, our partner and worldwide promoter of sustainable progress in the food sector. Pollica is also the official birthplace and global HQ of the Mediterranean Diet (term coined in the sixties by epidemiologist Ancel Keys).

Pollica is a pictoresque small town perched on the Salerno Riviera, whereshaded by maritime pine trees, you can breathe clean seaside air and enjoy thousand-year-old traditions. Measuring the impact of air quality on the neurocognitive wellbeing of this incredible land’s inhabitants, and then comparing the results with the brain conditions of those living in Northern Italy, can help institutions and decision-makers understand where and how to direct the next policy actions in the field of urban sustainability.